One of the most favorite things about our house here in the country is the tank that is just a few yards out behind our house in the west pasture. It has got to be one of the prettiest views in this area.
Sometimes I just enjoy taking the dogs down there to swim. It's funny how they won't go down there by themselves. They sure like to go when I go. Coon, my hubby's Border Collie, likes to just cool her toes a little then get out and either go back to the house or shade up under a tree. She doesn't hang out with the young dogs much.
Skip, my Jack Russell, will swim the whole time I'm there. He tries to rescue every stick that is in the water.

We have a new dog we named Ghetto. We named him that because the first two months he spent hiding out in our culvert at the end of our driveway like he was living in the ghetto. He's been kind of timid in the water but is getting better about it thanks to Skip.
Here he goes chasing frogs with Skip.

I stocked the tank with Channel Catfish 3 years ago and I have recently decided to start trying to catch those babies. I LOVE to fish. There just isn't much fishing when you have this much action going on around you.

It even wore poor Ghetto out!

I would cast my line and Skip would swim out and go get it. So I decided to try to take some pictures of insects and got this shot.

As luck would have it, my twin nephews Heath and Holt showed up with more more fishing poles.
Heath is a pretty serious fisherman.
Fishing takes concentration and patience.
Holt could fish until dark if we would let him!

And here's just a sampling of our catch!

Ahhhh.....Life in the Boonies!