Well, so it's been a while since I have posted, I mean Really posted much on here. It's been a crazy past year or so.

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in December. Since then I have gone on a health crusade of sorts. I decided it was time to get healthy. After several visits to doctors and tests I found out I have chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgea along with suffering from migraines for years. Each time it was the same; meds were prescribed to cover the pain and to make me sleep at night. I took them for a couple of weeks, suffering the side effects and decided I had to do something else.

After lots of research, I decided to see a Traditional Naturopath. She changed my life by changing my diet. I am now gluten free, sugar free, and mostly dairy free. I do not eat pork, and only organic beef, chicken and fish. Guess what else I am free of? I am migraine free!! Also my fibromyalgea and chronic fatigue symptoms are much less severe. I have also found I have fewer problems with stiff and swollen joints since I have cut out sugar.

I know to get the total health package I would need to be exercising. It's just not a priority but I try on occasion. I borrowed my Dad's bike and road it through our pasture yesterday. I thought my lungs were going to explode and that my legs were going to fall right off. I really wish I had some motivation in the exercise department. I need a partner! A coach! A plan!

The Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free way of life is a real challenge. Finding something to eat is a real pain. I have just about had all the salads I can stand! I have tried baking using recipes from my Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free cookbook but so far, NOTHING I have tried has turned out! I'm frustrated to say the least and sometimes I just cheat a little...but never too bad. It's not worth it at all!

I am so thankful for my new-found health!

CamKels-156 copy, originally uploaded by krista_spitzer.

DeVoss_0101, originally uploaded by krista_spitzer.

I had the opportunity to take Dianne's Senior Pictures this past weekend. I was especially excited to learn that her family runs a dairy. Then I was thrilled that she saw the beauty in a dry pasture of grass, a beautiful sky and a herd of cattle....! And, she is beautiful, too!!!

DeVoss_0028, originally uploaded by krista_spitzer.

DeVoss_0017, originally uploaded by krista_spitzer.

DeVoss_0062, originally uploaded by krista_spitzer.
